Sunday, July 19, 2015

Christian Poetry: Who Am I? By Jeannie Deal

I feel worthless, hopeless, lost...
I'm reminded of my past sins again.
Who am I?

I feel disgusted at who I used to be.
So foolish and immature was I...
Living for material things, living a lie.
My life was changed in just one day...
I knew at that point things would change.
The girl I was would never be the same.
But why then, do these bad memories remain?
Why after all this time am I feeling this bad?
Why am I downcast...why so sad?
Who am I?

You say I'm a new creation in You...
I must believe this to be true.
But still the past comes back to haunt me again.
Will these unworthy feelings ever end?
Who am I?

Am I that selfish, worldly person seeking after the flesh?
You say the old me has been put to death.
Remind me of the way You look at me Lord...
Not as a worthless sinner as I was before.
But as Your child, who's been cleansed.
Take me back to when it all began...

Take me back to when Your glory and peace shone.
Take me back to the joy of knowing I'm no longer alone.
Who am I?
I am Yours.