Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Priorities As a Christian

I have been reading this book called, "God's Priorities for your life- For Women". Reading this book has opened my eyes to how much my priorities have been disorganized...

I'm realizing that I really need to slow down, and accept the fact that I CANNOT do it all on my own. And I shouldn't have to! God is here to help me if I allow Him to, and my husband. I have been trying to do way more than I can handle and letting the daily drudgery of life bring me much unneeded stress.

There's a quote in the book that says, "It's sobering to contemplate how much time, effort, sacrifice, compromise, and attention we give to acquiring and increasing our supply of something that is totally insignificant in eternity."

How true that statement is! How foolish it is to make your focus on increasing your worldly supply, when you should be increasing in your relationship with God, and leading others to Him. THAT should be our main focus in life.

Now don't get me wrong, we all need to make a living to provide for our families and to still have enough to share with others; "And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work." -2 Cor 9:8

We are to have more than enough to abound in good works and be able to help Gods saints who are in need. But our priorities are to be in line with Gods will...That works by putting God first on a daily basis, and allowing Him to work out all other areas of our lives in the divine order that He has planned for us!

For me, that starts today...

God bless you!