Saturday, October 10, 2015

Bible Verses for Spiritual Warfare!

Just wanted to share a few of these goodies with you. Take authority! God bless you.

~Luke 10:19

~Ephesians Chapter 6
~2 Corinthians 10:3-5
~1 Peter 5:8
~Psalms chapter 91
~1 John 5:4-5
~2 Corinthians 5:17
~Matthew 18:18-20

Prayer against ungodly thoughts:

"In the name of Jesus Christ I circumsize these thoughts and bring ever thought captive to the obedience of Christ!"

*Just a tip: I recently started to REJECT negative words or thoughts. As the bible says to take every thought captive to obey Christ, I started doing. We unknowingly can speak curses on ourselves or others. For example, someone may say "This is gonna be a long stressful day." God's word tells us the power of life or death is in the tongue. Don't speak a curse over yourself or others!

So if you catch yourself being negative you can say, "No, I reject this thought in the name of Jesus Christ." Simple as that :-)

Prayer before going to sleep:

"In the name of Jesus I cover myself, my family our home with the blood of Jesus. I take authority over all demons of the night, nightmares, dreams of perversion, and any spirit trying to attack me or my loved ones during the night in the name of Jesus Christ."

My favorite for peace: Psalms 4:8; "In peace I will lay down and sleep. For the Lord my God makes me dwell in safety."

Here I Am - Christian Poetry

Imperfect, impatient, unworthy...
Still, here I am.

Flawed, broken, scarred...

Still, here I am.

My good works like filthy rags...

Still, here I am.

Use me in spite of my weaknesses. Here I am.

You are known to mold broken things into beautiful things...

So, here I am.