Friday, September 19, 2014

Distractions, Distractions...

I've realized the magnitude of the distractions we face in our daily lives. Whether it's work related stresses, financial, television, and even people, we encounter distractions everywhere we turn. What concerns me is when we let these things take up our mind so much that our focus is off of God. This should not be so! But it happens more often than not.

There was a time when I realized that I was watching too much LMN (Lifetime Movie Network) lol. I guess I'm a sucker for dramatic movies...But I realized that this was taking up too much of the time I should be spending reading God's word or just learning more about God. Now I cut my TV time down significantly. Sure I still watch HGTV sometimes and some shows with my hubby. Also there are the disney movie nights with the family! But I try to prioritize so that I spend enough time learning about God's word and feeding my spirit, not just entertaining myself. I think we all should examine where our priorities are, and make sure that God is always the center focus of our daily living. God bless!


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