Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Value of Me

Today was a good day...I sang God's Love Song and will also be singing tomorrow. I love to use the gifts God has given me to bless others!

Something profound has been happening in my life lately. I'm starting to feel more comfortable in my skin as time passes. I'm starting to see the value of "me". Not in a vain type of way, but as a child of God. I'm starting to realize the importance of carrying out the task God has entrusted me with.

I've always been critical on myself and compared myself with others. Many times I'd compare someones beauty to mine, wishing that I could look more like this or that, wishing I could change a feature about myself. Sometimes the comparison would be a personality trait or even someone else's talents.Whatever it was, I always placed a lower value on myself versus the other individual.

God's taken me to a new place in my life. A place of self content, knowing my worth in the sight of God as His unique creation. Knowing that there's not one single person in this entire world like me. We're all so special and important to God in our own ways. Not one of us shares the same task!

The bible says we are all part of one body....can the body function properly with a missing eye or a missing hand? Sure, it can still manage but not as well as it would with the eye and the hand. That's how each one of us is, a part of the body that no matter how small, serves a crucial role in keeping the body working at its best!

I am beautiful...not only outwardly, but inwardly--the beauty that lasts for eternity and is so precious to God. And so are you! So let's stop comparing things that were never meant to be comparable! Love how God made you!


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